Celebrating Friends

~1 minute read

2023 marks the 40th anniversary of Year 12 for me. This also means that I have known some of my dearest and closest friends since the beginning of 1978.

I am so lucky to have grown, learned, loved and laughed with so many strong, courageous girls throughout school. I am so lucky to continue to grow, learn, love and laugh (a lot) with these same girls who are now strong, courageous women.

In celebrating this milestone, I thought it only fitting to celebrate my school friends. So I asked if they might like to share their stories of courage with us.

I am grateful that a number of them said “yes,” and so, starting tomorrow, I will share these stories over the coming months. Please join me in reading their stories. I know that you will be inspired to courage on reading, and I hope that these stories fill your heart just as they have mine.

To my beautiful friends – whether you have chosen to share your stories or otherwise – you are all courageous and inspiring. I have learnt much from you. Thank you for being in my life.

Love you all,


aka Dinzzo

Form 1 White, 1978

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